A hopeless sitting duck

The sun's glare outside her window was intense while the shadow almost vanished on the lamp post, indicating it was almost lunch. But the doctor had not returned, so thus, the boy, nor the woman, she had talked to earlier.

Her stomach growled, which was increasing every minute. Though she consumed food earlier like a wild boar, her hunger struck again like she had not eaten anything since yesterday. Eating nutritious food was the quickest way to mend her body, speeding the healing process.

At the same time, her wolf's inner calls were becoming more prominent since she woke up today. She could only assume she might change soon. She could only hope that it was the sign.

"Where can they be?" Feeling a bit better, comparing herself to an hour ago, she stood up from her chair and walked towards the door. But something was wrong with her. Pacing in her room to wait had become ineffectual as she became more impatient.

Her feet gradually stepped into the hallway, looking for alternatives. There was not much to see, observing the small space compared to her home. There were no large frames on the walls, no expensive ceramics on the corners.

Just a few bits and pieces of things, making it unique from what was in the city. Probably local artists made it from native materials, judging by its appearance.

The first door on her right, when she checked the knob, was closed. Seeing nothing that would help her, her legs moved along, standing outside the next room. It opened on her first try.

Upon gazing inside, she realized it was probably Doctor Jace's room. Her eyes inspected the inside and found a few of his things. Well, manly things, but what about his wife, not finding any girl's clothing or trinkets.

"Stop snooping around. It is none of your business." Realizing her rude behavior, she quickly closed the door, her movement quickened, leaving the room, then walking into what seemed to be a receiving area.

The doctor did mention something about bringing her to a clinic. This place must be where he treated his patients. Therefore, he must have another house nearby where he had lived with his family.

Her head turned from side to side, looking for another room. Then on the other end, she saw a narrow passageway just like the one that led to the clinic. She followed it and finally found the kitchen at the other end.


Her inner wolf had decided to make her presence known again. That was the only indication that she indeed had a beast inside her. The growl of her stomach increased, demanding nourishment.

"I can do this." She turned to the fridge. Her eyes scanned for ready-to-eat food while her nose sniffed for something tasteful.

But for someone starving, she could not be choosy, letting her hands inspect each item.

However, this doctor seemed to be a health buff, not finding any junk food or processed food at her immediate disposal. Everything she saw inside the cold storage and the cabinets required cooking.

Suddenly, her mother's voice drifted in her mind as if she was standing beside her. "You have to learn these things. It will help you when you finally have a family." Her words meant nothing to her before.

"But, Mom, why would I need to cook for my husband when we have people who could do it better than me." Her face turned into a grimace, realizing how immature she was.

In her defense, she never looked down on a woman who liked to serve their family by doing house chores. But she had bigger dreams than just playing housewife to her future husband.

However, looking at her dilemma at the moment, she realized that learning a few basic things about cooking and other things would be helpful in her situation.

Too late, she had to learn it the hard way.

"Where are you?" She mumbled to herself, dismissing her thoughts.

She stepped nearer to the window, peeking outside, but she had no idea who those people were. They were strangers, and it would be awkward to approach them.

Having no option, her hand grabbed the apple on the counter, biting its delicious flesh, allowing the juice to flow inside her mouth as she chewed on its mouthwatering creamy meat. Hopefully, it would satiate her hunger while she came up with something else to eat.

However, it barely dented her appetite as her body craved meat. Her body would only accept the red, juicy, bloody meat from live animals. Thankfully, it did not have to be raw.

"I guess we have no choice now." Talking to her inner wolf. Still, she waited for a different response. So far, her hearing could only pick up the grumbling sound.

Her hands inched towards the fresh meat covered in plastic, freezing inside the cooler. The slight softness of the flesh of most likely a cow, and the redness was still evident since it had not yet frozen.

"I am sorry about your fate, but I have to feed myself." Her lips gradually trembled as her appetite grew, gripping the food more tightly than necessary.

Was this the feeling of a wolf when it went for a hunt? Sniffing the scent of the red stain on the surface of the pound of flesh as it penetrated her olfactory nerve, triggering her hunger even more.

Placing the meat down, she scanned the room. Finally, she found a skillet to cook the meat. Turning around to the cabinets, she sought some spices, remembering her mother sprinkling things on their meals.

She found some liquid and powdery objects but was clueless to use them. She took what she could remember, unwrapping the meat.

A few sprinkles of salt, pepper, and a few of those colorful things, wiping her hand dry, believing her meat was ready to cook.

"How hard can it be?" Determination set in her eyes as she faced the stove, armed with her pan and a spatula in her hand, eyeing the red meat with anticipation for lunch.

After thirty minutes, she heard a movement by the door, then a few seconds later, the doctor stood by the kitchen door with a wide grin on his face.

She could only imagine what she might look like, seeing it in his eyes as the doctor walked towards her. His lips curved upward, "Need any help," taking the metallic spatula in her hand.

How could she survive out in the wild when she could not kill or even cook her dinner? She would be a hopeless sitting duck against a predator.