Fire and blood




It was all that echoed in his ears as fire engulfed the houses around him.

Fighting ensued in every corner, and a plea for mercy also floated with the chilly air, but he did not care as he continued to walk to the center of the battlefield.

The crackling of the burning woods as its ember turned to ashes only added to the eeriness creeping into the darkness. On the other hand, the scalding flames served as a source of light as the moon hid behind the clouds, dimming the night.

His eyes blazed together with the flames, igniting a fire inside him. Standing in the middle of the field, he waited for his enemies to attack, showing no signs of fear.

His men gathered around them but remained standing, not planning to join him in the fight. One by one, they came at him, surrounding him, but he did not care about their numbers as he grabbed one beast or two at a time.

Slamming them on the solid ground, breaking their necks with his bare hands, or impaling his sword into their bodies, he only wanted all of them dead.

Each beast he had slain lay on the bare earth, lifeless, covered in its blood.

"Sir?" A different sound penetrated his consciousness.

"Sir, the board meeting will start in an hour." His secretary finally jolted him back to the present, reminding him of his current obligations.

His eyes darted to the woman standing before him, with questions in her eyes. But when he nodded his head, she started to relax.

With his eyes still focused outside the building, his secretary continued discussing the rest of his schedule for the day. But his mind only heard the first few parts as his thoughts ran away from him again.

Adam kept staring at the landmarks that made this place great. He was proud to be part of its success and, this time, not be the cause of any destruction, believing he had traveled a long way to be where he was today.

His secretary continued as she stood before his desk, unaware that he was barely listening. Then, a knock on the door interrupted his thought, sensing another presence, overwhelming her voice, making her stop.

"I believe your next appointment is already here." The man announced as he walked further inside the room, not needing any introduction or invitation.

Turning around, he faced the man he had been waiting for, who was just in time. He waved his hand to his secretary, dismissing and thanking her while his guest grabbed a seat.

His secretary nodded before leaving them, walking out and closing the door behind her, finally giving them some privacy.

"Tyron, I am glad you are here now." He greeted as his eyes focused on the man who unbuttoned his black coat to sit more comfortably.

Adam loosened his tie a bit more, still feeling the slight tension in his body. Suddenly, he could not help but compare the clothes he had worn in the past to this simple black suit.

But his memories had no place in the present at the moment, shoving them in the back of his mind.

"I am also glad that you are back," Tyron admitted as he crossed his legs before resting his hands on his lap. "You know how much I hated acting CEO." His right hand moved up to his face to fix his glasses.

"But you managed fine." He stood up from his chair and grabbed two glasses, pouring a considerable level of scotch on each one. "Let me correct that. You did an excellent job of managing my company." Giving a glass to the man.

He had seen the numbers, and, so far, he had not seen anything concerning. On the other hand, his stocks had increased. Even one of the new clients shouted praises at how this man handled his account.

"What seems to be the big emergency?" Tyron asked, ignoring his compliment. "Is there any problem?" A mask of confidence covered his face.

He watched his second in command attempt to be at ease while leaning on his chair, making himself comfortable as he waited for his response. But he sensed his agitation, and his heartbeat was up the charts.

For an ordinary man, he was courageous, showing him no fear, still pushing through his apprehension to get the job done, despite his frail nerves.

"I want you to take charged again while I am away, Tyron," Adam instructed without hesitation. "I plan to leave tonight."

He took the last file his secretary presented to him. Then, he signed it, shoving the papers to his assistant. "That is your order." Not giving him an option to decline.

He watched his face frowned as shock covered his expression while reading the document. He could not blame him. But he believed in his potential and always trusted him to get the job done.

Tyron never liked the limelight. He was a genius but was never interested in a leading role. He preferred to be the man who stood by his side, playing behind the scene.

"A month or more?" Tyron uttered in disbelief as if that was the most insane idea he had ever heard before or in his entire lifetime. "This must be another of your joke." He concluded, closing the folder with a snap.

He leaned back in his chair and studied his friend, considering him one after the years they had been working together. He had not seen a reason why he could not trust him.

"Yes, a month, more or less." Adam finally stood in his chair and walked to the front of his table, facing his friend. "It is not a joke. I need to go back home and handle some personal matter."

Although he said he was a friend, still, there were boundaries to what he could reveal to him about his true identity. As far as most people knew, he came from a wealthy family, expanding his business in this new world.

Tyron stood from his chair and returned the folder to him. "I could not do this for that long." He complained, his hands trembling in anxiousness.

"Yes, you can." He stepped closer, placing his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"But..." Tyron tilted his head to him, about to refuse but stopped when he stared into his eyes.

"I know you are more than capable of running this place without me. Besides, you are the only man I trust." That last part was the truth.

He walked back to his chair, giving the papers back to his friend for him to sign. He needed him to be in charge while he was away.

Then, they still had to inform the board of this new development, and it was almost time as his friend accompanied him out the door towards the other room full of men.

As much as he wanted to stay and pretend that this was his only world, that was not possible now. His other life was catching up with him.

He seemed unable to outrun the past he had left behind. Fire and blood were all he saw when he closed his eyes.