An enemy or a friend?

Avana also drank the juice in her hand but kept her sight away from looking directly into his eyes. She could not afford another distraction from her mission.

In her mind, he was still a stranger. But someone capable of helping her in her current situation. She just had to keep this strictly professional and nothing personal, and she might be able to pull this off.

"I was on a hike in the wild by myself, a self-searching experience." She began to tell him as her hands traced the circle made by the moisture of her glass on the counter surface.

When she glanced at him as he remained silent, she found him studying her. His brows knitted as if he was trying to decipher what was on her mind.

"I was not prepared. I did not expect to face the harsh conditions of being out there on my own." She kept narrating, stitching all those lies to fit in with her story. "Then, I got lost and poisoned by the fruit I ingested."

Her fingers continued to scribble incoherent images on the table while he kept watching her. She wished she could tell the truth since lying was not her strong suit, but she had to protect herself. She had no choice. It was the only way.

"Yeah, the elements out there could sometimes be unforgiving." He stated, drinking the rest of the juice in his glass.

He placed the glass on the side and squared his shoulders, facing her. "Where are you planning to go?"

He kept his gaze on her as if he watched her like a hawk. She knew she had to be careful with her words and actions. She could not let anyone know who she was and why she was out here.

"Where I am going is not important." She shrugged her shoulders. Eventually, her eyes shifted to the clear blue sky outside the window, wondering about the same question.

She finally looked at him with inquiring eyes, pointing to the thick forest beyond those fences. "What things do you think I should learn if I will survive out there?"

She entwined her hands on top of the table, waiting for him to respond to her question. She was definite that she would not endure more days and nights in the forest with her current skill.

"There are many things you will need to learn if you want to survive, even for the night out in that wild jungle." His bass tone was slightly low as he expelled a heavy breath as if making a point. "But I do not think a few days would be enough to learn them all."

"Well. As you can see, I am willing to learn. I am a fast learner. The jungle does not frighten me." She told him, confident about herself. "But how knowledgeable are you with the jungle and about survival?"

She was suddenly skeptical, thinking he might know nothing just like her. From his handsome face to his flawless skin, she doubted if he had worked a day in his life.

She suddenly realized that he looked like a rich boy, only wanting an adventure. She also remembered that Jace mentioned something about his career, keeping him busy.

"I am a skilled hunter. If that was what you wanted to know." Adam answered without hesitation. Then, his eyes closed momentarily. "I hunt for wild animals." Eventually, he quickly looked up, gazing into her eyes.

She admitted if he was telling the truth, he was what she needed, someone who could teach her the ways of the wild. But what a coincidence that he would visit his friends while she was here.

Still, she should consider it her luck.

"Would you mind helping me?" She drastically looked away, afraid that she might drown in his eyes again and never recover. "Would you teach me?" As of now, she guessed her only option was to trust him, just this once.

"I could, but there should be some rules." He uttered as his fingers moved along his jaw, touching fresh stubbles already visible on his chin. His face was a mask of seriousness.

Then, she realized she was staring at him again, allowing her eyes to watch his every move. Why could she not keep her eyes away from him? As they voluntarily found their way in his direction, even without her awareness.

She abruptly stood, clearing the tables, leaving him as she put all the leftovers in the trash and the dirty dishes and glasses in the sink. It was the only way to distract herself from ogling him further.

"What kind of rules?" She finally asked, keeping her back on him. "I am sure we could agree on something." She finally had no choice but to glance at him again.

"Well!" He put his hand down on the table and entwined them together, imitating her gesture earlier, but his eyes remained on her face. "First, you should not set the house on fire." Then, a slight chuckle escaped his lips.

"That is not funny." She pouted, suddenly turning around to face him, putting her arms across her chest, making her breast look more prominent.

"In the first place, how could I set this house on fire when I could not even make a fire." She could only surmise that Jace might have told him about that incident.

She had to admit that it was not one of her better moments as she also started smiling. Eventually, she also found herself laughing, remembering Jace's reaction.

Somehow, she could not help but be thankful to him. She believed he intentionally said that to break the awkwardness between them.

"It is sort of funny. But how did you ever survive this long without any knowledge of these little things?" He asked, putting his chin cradled in the palm of his hands as his elbows planted themselves on the table.

She wanted to tell him that she did not have to before. But how could she?

She had lived in comfort and luxury with people to serve everything she needed on a silver platter. Not even her mother could force her to set foot in the kitchen.

In her defense, she believed her gender should not determine her path in life. Not because she was a woman, she should slave in the kitchen, performing menial tasks to please her future husband.

She always strived to be the best because she wanted to be just like her father and forefathers. She had dreamed of following in their footsteps and being the next Alpha of their pack that would lead her kind to the future.

She slightly hesitated to answer him, not wanting to reveal too much about herself. "I lived in the City where everything is different from this lifestyle." She waved her hands in the air as if gesturing to the things around her.

"Then, why did you end up in here?" Adam suddenly asked. "Did something happen back home that is why you are going on a soul-searching experience?" Her eyes suddenly landed on his, surprised by his question.

But, those green eyes!

She did not like how his gaze affected her thoughts while his nearness seemed to keep her captive, ultimately creating havoc in her body.

But that was not the most troubling of all.

She was terrified why her inner wolf seemed to be drawn to him, as her body acknowledged him as someone familiar. Why was she acting this way around him?

She suddenly sensed something different about him from the intensity of his stare. But he was absolutely and undeniably not a wolf. She was confident about that.

But what was he? A human, a witch, or something else.

Is he an enemy or a friend?