"General Saxon, do we have any news of my son?" He ate his lunch, chewing on a big chop of roast steak in his massive dining hall, alone.

His General stood before him, always looking like he was about to go to war, prepared for anything. He had to be because soon, he would lead his new breed of soldiers, an army for this new generation. 

"We have no news of Prince Adam. Not yet, Sir. But I have four of my best trackers following Isaac everywhere he went." The General reported to him.

He continued to chew on his favorite meal, enjoying the savory taste of the steak in his mouth. He relished the slightly metallic taste of the barely cooked meat, which still had some blood clinging to its flesh. 

"So far, where had Isaac been? Who had he been in contact with?" King Charles wanted his son's friends every movement monitored and report to him.