"She is here, Your Highness." General Saxon announced as he entered his office. He nodded his head at the guard by the door, and then a young-aged woman entered and strode toward the center of the room.

The King turned around from that table he had been working on and looked at his guest. He heard that this woman would like to have an audience with him.

At first, he had declined to see her, unsure about her intentions. But when she said that she had been an outcast from her Covenant due to her practice of black magic, he knew he had to see her.

Maybe she was the powerful witch he had searched for centuries but failed to find. Pavlo had taught him almost everything he needed to learn before he perished in the great fire.

But the power and the magic spells Saric possessed were something he could not acquire even through practice over time. It was either he was born with it or not. Unfortunately, he was not a sorcerer.