Kiev was up even before the break of dawn. He had wanted to go out and play outside, but Cathy stopped him, telling him to wait after breakfast. So, immediately after taking the last drop of his milk, he dragged his friend and ran on the massive playground outside the back of the main house.

They could see the swimming pool and the beautiful garden surrounding it. Then, on the other side was the large open field and the massive wall serving as the perimeter of the place.

"Look up! There is a dinosaur in the clouds." Resha teased the boy as she looked up in the sky and saw a massive cloud formation above them.

She knew that she could still be playful most of the time, even if her mother kept reminding her that she would be a big girl soon. But she could not help it. Kiev brought out the kid in her. Living with an older brother and sister did not exactly give her much of a playmate when she was in the house.