The darkness 's lover (part four)

Eisha got so caught up in her memory of Nonek. He was the only thing that she could think about.

No tears fell from her eyes, not even from the sweet memory of the first time that Nonek walked her through her first feed.

Or when they went to watch the sunset together at his favorite place. Nothing inside her could make her feel anything.

She didn't know why she couldnt cry. It was as though all the tears inside her had been shed.

Her mind flashed back to the point when Dyzer cried his last tear. Somehow she felt that it was her tear too that has been shed. And her heart had turned to stone too.

No matter how much pain she felt for the loss of such an important part of her life. She couldnt muster up the ability to shed tears and mourn him.

It caused her to feel guilty. When someone you love dies, it was only proper to cry for them.