Chapter 5 Evils

It could be seen that the elder lady didn't say anything wrong.

"Did your son do this from the moment your daughter-in-law entered the house?"

"Almost at that time, and they always cried and laughed in the middle of the night, just like... A ghost..." Mrs. Sun looked around in fear.

"What do you think of this daughter-in-law?"

"I'm afraid it's not right. Let my husband tell you." Mrs. Sun sighed.

Mr. Sun thought for a moment and said slowly, "She always looks gloomy. She doesn't sleep at night and walks around at home. She holds an umbrella no matter what day it is. The most terrible thing is..."

The elder Mr. Sun suddenly stopped saying and felt a chill on his back.

Leng Baobei said, "What?"

"She has kept a lot of black cats. I saw her skin off the black cats and bury them under the trees in the garden for two nights." The elder Mr. Sun clenched his fists nervously, his scalp tingling.

Leng Baobei said: "Take me there."

There was indeed a smell of blood under the tree. Leng Baobei looked around and sighed.

On the night of the Sun family's daughter-in-law's wedding, her body was taken away by that dead woman. Now the reason why her body was occupied was that the woman who was killed by Mr. Sun's little son and unwilling to accept it.

She didn't want to talk to such evil things. She thought that a person harming people would be ultimately punished.

But judging from the faces of Mr. Sun and Mrs. Sun, they were good people. They would do lots of good deeds in normal times, but it was not enough to destroy the foundation of their cultivation because of the mistake their youngest son had made these years.

Therefore, no one could save the Sun family.

But she could help to talk about it.

Leng Baobei asked the old couple to wait downstairs. She took Cece upstairs.

Suddenly, a black cat screamed and jumped out, scratching her face with its claws.

Leng Baobei took out a yellow rune and murmured, "Seal!"

The black cat screamed and its small body fell heavily to the ground, unable to move.

Black smoke came out of its body and shrouded the whole villa like a black mist.

Seeing that, Leng Baobei's face darkened. She immediately took out the yellow runes and the wooden sword. "Sneaky! Show yourself quickly!"

She jumped straight into the center of the black mist.

The peach wood stared at the yellow rune. As the Leng Baobei spoke, the yellow rune instantly emitted a golden light. The light became more and more brilliant, and the black mist became smaller and smaller. At last, it turned into a human-shaped black shadow.

"Mind your own business!"

A shrill female voice came through, and the whole villa was gloomy, filled with the smell of corpses.

Leng Baobei stared at her, feeling sorry for her.

Although this woman died unjustly and was killed by the youngest son of the Sun family, in order to revenge, she had turned into an evil ghost. She not only killed the daughter-in-law of the Sun family but also the two elders of the Sun family were influenced.

The road of the next life was completely blocked by herself.

"Why sister? They have hurt you in this life, and in the next life, they will definitely make an apology to you. Even if you have taken revenge now, you will also lose your soul. Wouldn't it be a waste of time for these people who harmed you?"

"Even if my soul is destroyed, I will watch them die miserably in this life!" The ghost laughed wildly with great hatred, "I just want to take revenge! I want them all to die!"

The creepy atmosphere in the room was even more obvious. The evil spirits knew that she was doomed. She rushed straight to the Sun family's parents and said with a ferocious face, "It's all your fault! Don't you know what kind of person your son is? You watched him beating and kicking me and never stopped him."

The evil ghost was oozing blood all over, and her face was especially red. It looked even more terrifying. She looked up at the sky and complained sadly.

"You spoiled your son. You knew I was pregnant, but you still allowed him to bring a woman back and mess around. He beat me when he was not happy and kicked me down the stairs. You didn't even look at me in the living room downstairs.

The baby in my belly is gone, and the beast is more ruthless to me, drowning me in the bathtub. What did you do? Help that beast destroy the corpse!

"I hate the whole Sun family. I want all of you to die with me!" The evil ghost got angry unscrupulously, and the black mist attacked the whole Sun family again.

Mr. Sun and Mrs. Sun hugged each other and cried bitterly. They had long regretted what they had done. If only they could stop their son's evil behavior at that time, they wouldn't end up like this.

Their grandson was gone, and their son was crazy, and the Su family was going to be ruined.

They regretted.

"Miss, we know we are wrong. If you have any grudge against the two of us, please let our son go. We shouldn't have spoiled him..." Mrs. Sun cried bitterly.