Stealing The Attention

One moment the attention of everyone in the hall had been on her and the next, it wasn't. What was going on here? 

However, Soo Ah got her questions answered when the spotlight captured five women whom she had no idea where they came from. But that was until her eyes captured the one in the middle and Soo Ah stumbled back from shock, almost losing her balance on the stairs and would have fallen to the ground if not that Woo Bin had a firm hold on her.

Chae In Ha.

All blood drained from her face, how was that possible? Soo Ah was unable to believe it and then she began to panic. The fact that In Ha chose not to return every other day but on her engagement party day, could only spell trouble.

She then turned to Woo Bin, intending for him to think of a solution fast, what if In Ha causes a scene? Only for her to realize that her fiancé was entranced by her sister and jealousy clutched around her heart.

Soo Ah had always felt inferior to her sister, which was why she had been happy when Woo Bin asked her out seven years ago, until she realized it was a mistake that the love letter got to her and she wasn't really the one he liked, but her sister! 

Her elder sister had everything she wanted! And now when she finally thinks the universe is smiling at her once more, she returns to take it away again?! No! She wasn't going to let that happen!

Chae Soo Ah steeled her heart and waited for her sister to approach them. She bet this was a ploy to steal her limelight, how pathetic could In Ha get that she even hired foreigners to create a buzz. This was all stupid.

The moment Chae In Ha got close, Soo Ah had been expecting her to approach them so she could put her in her place, however, the girl walked past her and the smile on Soo Ah's face dropped. What was she up to?

As if it was a choreographed dance or something, Chae In Ha broke away from her clique of foreigners, and before Soo Ah's very eyes, she watched her climb up the stage and her stomach dropped. No, no, that can't be possible! She had to stop her! However, she forgot that Woo Bin held her hand firmly so even if she wanted to move, she couldn't. 

What angered Soo Ah the most was the fact that everyone was staring at her like morons, including her parents. Her parents, especially her father, were more shocked. Chae In Ha did not announce to anyone that she was returning home, nor had they expected her home, especially not on this day. She was not supposed to return - ever. 

By the time her father recovered from the shock with his hardened expression, it was too late because Chae In Ha had climbed up the stage and snatched the mic from the confused MC and her legs almost gave out. Soo Ah knew In Ha would ruin her engagement party. She didn't need to guess it, she could see it in her eyes. 

"Hi," Chae In Ha's smooth and velvety voice boomed across the room when she spoke into the microphone, "I'm sure you all must be wondering who this beautiful woman is," she even praised herself, a smile on her face that Soo Ah knew was just there to deceive the crowd. She knew the real In Ha and she was here for revenge. 

As expected, even the crowd was held in suspense as none of them could recognize Chae In Ha since it has been seven years since she left the country. Hence, they were curious to hear what this beautiful damsel had to say. But it was at that moment that Mr. Chae, Soo Ah's father recovered from the shock and commanded the security entranced by the scene as well to get her off that stage.

"Yes, sir," They all responded and made a move only for the girls Rachel, Allison, Helen, and Gwen to block their way.

"Going somewhere?" Helen winked at one of them and the guards were helpless to do anything. They couldn't lay a hand on the foreigners knowing that they could be easily charged for assault. Hence, the girls bought time for In Ha to say whatever she wanted.

"I'm Chae In Ha, the first and legitimate daughter of the Chae Family, born to my dear father's first wife," There was sarcasm in In Ha's tone as she gestured to the old man who stood helpless in front of the stage, unable to stop her from spilling the truth. 

At once, a sharp gasp arose from the crowd, and sounds of murmuring filled the hall. Because Chae In Ha had been absent for seven years, most of them had assumed that Soo Ah was the first and only daughter of the Chae family, hence they worshiped the very ground she stepped on and tried to get on her good side, thinking she would inherit the company in the future. But now, they were hearing she wasn't the first child and the true heir was here? 

While the other guests who knew Chae In Ha  from the past were shocked to see her again. They failed to recognize her.

In one word, there was commotion in the hall and Chae In Ha stole the attention that was supposed to be reserved for Chae Soo Ah and her fiancé.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm sure you all must be shocked,  I'm shocked as well...." She pressed her hand dramatically on her chest, feigning hurt, "Considering I've been abroad all through the years and my dear father never informed me that my wonderful, illegitimate sister, he got while still married to my mother then, is getting engaged today. Had I known that, I would have gotten a better gift, don't you think so, my little sister?" In Ha intentionally brought people's attention back to her.