Plans To Get Married


Young Chul had never been happier than now. Ever since he went on this leave, he had decided to make the full of it by having fun! He had switched off his work phone just in case Daniel went back on his word and try to coerce him into working for him again.

Young Chul made a list of the things he was going to do. He had already packed his things and scheduled his flight. He planned to leave on the weekend and go to Istanbul! Yes, he would have fun there and as well, fall in love.

He didn't know what the future holds but Young Chul plans to go into a long-term relationship this time. He planned to marry any lady that agrees to make a man out of him before his six months leave is over. He was tired of having girlfriends and breaking up with them all because he doesn't have time for them thanks to his unconventional working hours and Daniel Kang's unreasonable demands.