Her Daughter-in-law

"Tell me how this happened?" Chairwoman Kang asked, rubbing her temple. Why couldn't things for once go well for her son? Just when she decided to take things into her hands, it exploded in her face, and right now, she had no clue what to do. 

Chairwoman Kang was the master planner and responsible for whatever happened to Daniel the previous night. She had decided to take matters into her own hands since her grandson wouldn't settle down and give her the great-grandchildren she wanted before she died. But then, things didn't go the way she wanted and she would have to force her grandson soon for what she had done. 

The man that was kneeling in front of her was no other than the one who locked the door after In Ha had mistakenly gone into the room so they wouldn't be disturbed. In one word, you could say that he was the executioner of Chairwoman Kang's plans.