Taking Responsibility For Him

"So why are you really here?" Daniel looked at Young Chul hopefully. He wanted his secretary by his side, he was scared of doing this all alone. Now that he thought about it, Young Chul was the first person he trusted with his life; he was his friend. 

"I came to take you home. What if something happens to you in these mountains, what do you think chairwoman Kang would do to me?" He complained. 

Daniel swallowed, "That's all?" He really thought he was back for real. 

Young Chul sighed, "Fine, I'll come back," He finally confessed. 

"Yes-!" Daniel was about to jubilate when he stopped him. 

"But we are going to do this on my terms. First of all, I would have flexible working hours and you would begin to listen to what I say from now on,"