The Black-eyed Monk

"Daniel! I love you! Come back to me!"

"Daniel, don't go away!"

"Is it true, Daniel?! Are you really dating that woman?!"

"We don't want her, Daniel!" 

"Give us back the pure Daniel!" 

Daniel Kang ran as fast as his feet could take him. He had never been so afraid in his entire life than now and he was so grateful to have escaped the crazy set of unemployed people called his fans. 

It was shocking but after spending the night at Young Chul's place yesterday, he decided to go for a morning jog today only for them to pop out of nowhere and nearly hitched him. 

It seems that Young Chul was right, he needed to address this scandal before things escalate. But then, what is wrong with these people? He thought they were following him because of his teachings and the values he offered them, but in the end, they were all horny people! Horny generation!