Developing Thoughts

"Goodbye, brother Daniel!"

"Goodbye sister In Ha!"

The girls kept on waving as the taxis drove them. Daniel out of his magnanimous heart paid for their trip back home and even booked them a free ticket to the cinema owned by his family. This was all to compensate them and make sure another complication doesn't pop up. He had enough scandal on his hand already.

"That was nice of you," Chae In Ha said, waving back at the girls until they were out of view. The sun had gone down already and it was high time she retreated for the night.

"So it was fun meeting you and as much as we have a lot to talk about, I am quite tired and I need to return home," She said, already leaving when Young Chul blocked her way and she looked at him, brows raised questioningly. 

"That is exactly why we need to talk." 

In Ha smiled sarcastically, "It can wait tomorrow,"