She Broke Him

"What do you by that?" Chae In Ha was seriously not liking where this conversation was going. 

Daniel Kang pushed back his chair and announced defiantly, "You stole my virginity, and you must take responsibility !" 

"What?!" In Ha was shocked out of her mind while Young Chul choked on his saliva. Why was the president bringing up the case of his virginity again? How could he be a virgin when he wasn't a virgin in the first place?! He felt like crying. 

"Hey!" Chae In Ha stood to her feet too, "Let's say you're indeed a virgin, which I'm hundred percent sure you're not, but incidents like this happen and no one takes responsibility and they go their separate ways. Who asks one to take responsibility after having sex nowadays? Come on, this is the twenty-first century, wake up! " She felt like slapping some sense into his god damn retarded head. 

How could she have been admiring Daniel earlier? He was nothing but a blockhead!