Chasing The Male Concubine Away

"Why did she do this to me?" Daniel Kang was seen crying in the hotel room, thirty minutes later after he found out that Chae In Ha left him while Young Chul watched the scene with no clue what to do. No, this was the worst punishment ever given to him - to watch Daniel Kang cry. 

"I gave myself to her," He cried like a woman who had her heart broken for the first time. 

Young Chul scratched his head, saying, "Well, to be precise, this is not the first time you gave your innocence to her," 

And the glare Daniel gave him, shut him up forever. Damn, that was scary. 

"She used my body," He cried out, clutching his chest. 

"Technically, the both of you used each other's body," Young Chul pointed out again. 

As expected, Daniel Kang glared at him the second time before he went back to bawling his eyes out. 

"I thought what we had was special. I thought she would be here for me."