Public Oustrage

"Destroy that slut!" 

"Yes, destroy her!" 

"All forward, attack!" 

Those were the order that Chae In Ha heard before raw eggs and water balloons were hurled at her like hailstorms. 

"What the hell?!" Chae In Ha screamed, trying to cover her face with her hands as the attack came from all sides. What was wrong with these people? Why were they attacking her this time? She didn't do anything wrong! 

Chae In Ha swore that after she was done with this, she would jail every one of them that participated in this public assault and she had a snickering feeling that Daniel Kang's fans were responsible for this. What she just doesn't understand is why? 

As far as she remembers, there wasn't any scandal to make them react this way. Unless something happened and she had no idea. Like a fool, she walked into public outrage. 

"How dare you defile our Daniel's image like this? You're nothing but a slut!" 

"Yes, slut!"