Know What You Wish For

What was he doing? Daniel asked himself moments after he messaged Chae In Ha. He has been trying her lines and she wasn't picking up his calls. Daniel Kang was very persistent and would have called her further had he not remembered Young Chul's advice. 

"Women don't like pushy men," 

So he decided to stop and take on a different approach before she decided to block his line. And that, my friend, was how Daniel Kang found himself in this predicament. 

Chae In Ha: What are you putting on right now? 

Daniel Kang stared at that message as he wondered why she would ask him that and it didn't make sense at all. What if this was a test? 

Test for what? 

Does she want to adopt his fashion style or what? It just didn't make sense to him at all. Why was she curious about what he was wearing? His innocent mind didn't go down the other lane. So he typed, 

Daniel: Must I tell you?