He Got What He Deserved

A deafening boom went off in Chae In Ha's head. Her mother was the last person she expected to see after returning home. It was just so shocking that after the title left her lips, her jaw dropped to the ground. How was this even possible? 

Oh wait, the right question should be, why did her mother find her first? Chae In Ha had intended to go find her mother and spend time with her after having her revenge on her family. But then, the woman beat her to it. 

Chae In Ha could finally see why none of her friends came to welcome her because they were all lined up, seated one by one on the couch. They had an apologetic look on their faces and she could understand why. The door didn't just open by itself and let her mother in, one of them must have mistakenly let her in. 

She couldn't blame them either way. They knew her mother vaguely and Chae In Ha bet they didn't have the time to give her the heads up.