The Highest Gifter

Seeing that Daniel was not as weak as he thought him to be and was not going to let go win in this battle of words, Yoo Jun Tae decided to change his tactics. 

He said self-righteously, "While I would love to hold more conversations with you, it is quite unfortunate that this is Grandma Ye's day and she is the star of the occasion, which means that every discussion should revolve around her." 

Chae In Ha clutched her fist. 


Wasn't he the one that started the conversation in the first place? Chae In Ha wished that she could punch him right in the face. To think that she once believed that he was a nice person. Her past life should have taught her enough lessons that people rarely change. 

"That is why I present my gift to you, Grandma Ye," Yoo Jun Tae gestured to his assistant who arrived at the spot with a cream-quilted leather box and handed it to him.