
"Darkness Leech!" Lian cried out.

A spray of darkened fog filled the room. Effie vibrated her existence through his fingertips. He swung out and back using a new sense heightened sight to see through it.

"Flip! Engage shadow needles!" Effie shouted.

"You guys can stop training for a little bit!" Ares yelled.

"Shut up! He needs to get used to it!" Effie responded.

"Lian needs a check up for today and then he can go back to training!" Ares smiled.


Effie changed back into her more human looking self pouting at Ares. She looked disappointed in having to cut their training so short.

"Fine…be quick about it." Effie shouted.

Ares took Lian's hand showing him to the impromptu medical room. She had him take off the shirt to closely examine the skin, finally taking to the device growing over in large strands. Pulling on gloves she lightly poked parts.

"Does it hurt, Lian?" Ares asked.

"Not as much anymore…" He answered.

"I see, but it looks like everything is fine."

Effie tugged on Lian's hand pulling her away from Ares. He grabbed his shirt running down the hall. Ares followed closely behind curiously.

"Dark Flare!" Lian shouted.

"Wait, I haven't turned back yet!" Effie scolded.

Falling back down to earth into his hands he swung her, rotating his position left and to right in front of him. A glint came off the metal of the grande sword he held.

He stumbled to his feet. His eyes became exceedingly dark violet as a vapor rose off his skin. Ares as a fire weapon was unsure of how to gauge the effects of Effie. She was a loose cannon to the doctor.

A muffled yelling from the other room distracted the three staring down the corridor to Tremains room. The floorboards shook under their feet pondering what was going on in the room and what type of conversation he was having.

Effie couldn't hold her own as a blade slithering out of his fingers. Ares spotted Gemma poking her head out of the empty library beside it.

"What is wrong with master?" Effie questioned.

"I don't think anyone knows, Lian." Gemma answered.

The door slammed open, nearly knocking off its hinges. The waxy blue man looked up at Lian with a curious look on his face. He grabbed the kid tightly squeezing his shoulders drawing blood through his shirt using his sharp nails.

"Lian, Effie come with me right now!" Tremain howled.

Taking Lian's hands he stopped in place looking at the man riddled by the occurrence. Effie was confused why he halted her master.

"I don't want to go with you…" Lian responded.

"But this is a big deal!" Tremain demanded.

"I want to go back. I miss Lily!" Lian explained.

"They are coming here so you can discuss with them then!" Tremain grunted.

Lian thought about it for a few minutes. He didn't know what to expect out of this all or if to be skeptical he thought looking above at the ceiling back down his attention was drawn to his blue face.

"You promise?" Lian asked.

"Yes…of course."

Effie bit her lower lip nervously. First her foot moved forward jumping at Lian wrapping her hands around him pushing him ahead.

"It will be okay!" She cheered.

A worry hung over her heart. She didn't want to be separated from Lian at any cost. Helping Tremain get his way was her best bet.

"Well if you say so, Effie…"

Lian finally agreed to take her hand instead. Tremain caught this gradually getting behind the both gathering him where he wanted.

"Lian…isn't safe here with her." Ares stated.

"I can only guess what Effie will do…" Gemma stated.

The two quieted. The door's noise fell silent behind them as he stared at the girls in the eyes before it completely went.


Inside was a comfortable bed covered with a simple black summer quilt. The window was opened. You could feel the breeze of the night setting on their skin.

Sitting Lian on the bed Tremain gawked at the boy in the eyes. Effie on her knees behind him laid her head on his back rubbing her hair against him gently.

"Your sword and Reaper are coming." Tremain explained.

"That's great!" Lian shouted.

"Hey! What about me?!" Effie argued.

Her cheeks puffed up angrily. His face reddened feeling her skin extend against his. Her stomach could be felt rising, turning him around to her face.

"Y-You changed?!" Lian gasped.

Pressing her fingers down her chest to touch her breasts down to her tiny waist she winked sporting her lolita practically falling off her body. Her eyes like expressive galaxies swirling in her irises.

Her plump pink lips made him wonder what he was really doing here. He quickly rose to his flustered feet when Tremain blocked the entrance with his body to the stubborn boy.

"Please let me go back to training." Lian replied.

"But why not take a rest first here?" Tremain inquired.

"Why is it that Effie can turn into that?"

Her body shrunk again with guilt on her mind. Crawling to the end of the bed she realized her mistake magnifying her presence.

"Listen Lian…" Effie shouted.

"Is sex appeal the only way you feel is right here Effie?" Lian asked.

Effie's tongue became twisted in her mouth. Tremain made gestures with eyes staring at Effie shrugging his shoulders.

"I mean boys your age love older women don't you?" She questioned.

Inching off the bed she strolled over with her head down staring at the rotting wood of the floor sagging from the water logged splintering lumber pushed its jagged spikes into the soles of her feet.

She cried out almost falling when Lian caught her. Scanning his face she swiftly glanced away.

"I just want my sister right now, Effie please…"

"Then for now I will treat you with the dignity you deserve." Effie smiled.

"Good, that means you don't have to be that way for me."

"Why aren't you scared of me?" She pondered.

"Because we are the same aren't we?" He responded grinning.