Entrance exams (2) - Affinity test

He slowly inched closer to the time limit yet there was no reaction. The blue energy remained still and cold sweat trailed down Nathan's forehead.

He could almost taste the failure. "I knew it, I was never cut out for the role of savior. I can't even pass the first test." He gritted his teeth as he felt frustrated at his shortcomings.

"It would seem we have got our first failure." Sergeant Haller muttered, only taking a glance at Nathan before making her judgement.

[Unshakable will activated] Nathan heard the mechanical voiceover in his head as he realized that this particular skill had activated quite a number of times.

"If I rely completely on the system, I'll never be able to make a difference. I need to think about this calmly." Just as the thirty second mark was about to be reached, there was finally movement.

The blue energy within the pillar fluctuated and flickered as it responded to Nathan's will. The sergeant had a look of surprise as she saw this. "I guess I evaluated wrongly."

"Whew." Nathan heaved a sigh of relief as he retracted his palms. "Next." As he stepped back, Reyes moved in front of him.

"I have to learn more about the system once I have the time. It would be helpful for me going forward." Though he was aware that overly relying on the system would be detrimental to his growth, Nathan was still curious to learn more about it.

Reyes placed his palm on the pillar and waited. At the fifteen second mark, the blue energy flickered and moved towards his palm. Haller put up a brow as she saw this.

"It would seem we have a genius in our midst." Reyes sheepishly smiled as he removed his palms. "Hehe."

"Next." Reyes quickly moved to Nathan's side, the latter in deep thought as to how he could pass the other tests. "Hey, how you feeling?"

Nathan took a glance at Reyes. "A little flustered." The latter simply nodded. "I understand. I saw you trembling with your palm on the pillar. You know you shouldn't doubt your capabilities so much."

"What if there is an enormous weight on your shoulder that places so much pressure on you?" The thought of failing the mission weighed heavily on his mind. Reyes paused as he seemed to be in deep thought before he slowly responded.

"I don't know what weights you have on your shoulder but what's the use of worrying about them?... It won't solve anything and it sure as hell would make them heavier." Nathan sighed. "Then what do you suggest I do?"

"Don't think about how heavy the burden is, think about how to get rid of it." His words struck a cord with him, his eyes flickering for a moment as he came to a realization. Just then.

"That's it. You guys can step out and into the next hall to await your results, it would be announced in a bit." Sergeant Haller remarked. "Yes ma'am."

They entered into a waiting hall, almost similar in size with the hall Captain Rodgers had spoken to them in. Nathan did not bother with his surrounding as he walked with Reyes.

"All this while, I've been focusing on the wrong thing. Doctor Chen didn't send me back to fight on the frontline. He sent me back to use my head, not my brawn. Even the system is a clear hint of that."

Nathan blinked with the blue status screen appearing before him. After a quick scan, he could only shake his head. "I can't believe I was being so stupid. I nearly ruined everything by thinking about things wrongly."

He took a glance at Reyes, the latter staring wide eyed as he took in the architecture of the hall. He felt thankful to this new found acquaintance of his.

He had helped him set his facts straight. "I have to use what I'm good at to make a difference. That's what matters."

Just as he was about to broach up a topic with Reyes, the results of the first test started to get announced.

They first called the name of the candidate after which they stated his affinity ratio. Several candidates were in the range of 50-65%.

A few unlucky ones fell below fifty. For some reason, the announcer would directly tell them to leave, of course they could choose not to but most of them chose to do so.

It had already been stated that their careers would be mediocre if they stayed. It was best they sort for a different profession to serve humanity.

"What do you think you are gonna get?" Reyes asked with anticipation. "Honestly, I'm not hoping for anything too high." Nathan replied truthfully. Just as Reyes was about to chide him for his lack of anticipation, his result was heard.

"Nathaniel Holt… 45% affinity ratio." Even though he had expected it to be low, but not this low!!

He was officially the lowest ranked candidate so far and his score was actually on the bridge between failure and a pass.

His eyes were wide opened for a moment as he turned to find Reyes staring at him with an awkward expression.

"Nathaniel Holt?.. Wait isn't that the guy that got perfect score in the written test?.. I can't believe it, he got such a low score in the first test."

Murmurs were bound to fly the moment his score was announced. He had already come to their notice due to his perfect performance in the written test and now, he had performed awfully by getting the lowest result in the affinity test.

"Candidate Nathaniel is advised to exit the test center. It is for your own good." The words from the announcer were like knives as they cut down Nathan's confidence.

"I think you should head back, buddy." Reyes said, a little saddened. "…Is it an absolute that a low affinity would lead to a weak Guardian?" Nathan's question caught him off guard and more importantly, those that heard him.

"Excuse me?" The announcer was a bit surprised. "I believe that a low or high affinity does not dictate a person's worth on the battlefield. It is what the person is capable of doing with the power that counts."

"Huh, are you crazy?.. Scum like you should scram. Your presence amongst the Guardians would taint their good name." Nathan looked to the origin of the voice to find an arrogant looking teenager with short dark hair, fair skin, dark pupils and a rather tall and fit physique.

Just looking at him alone, one could tell that he belonged to a rich family. "And who are you to decide what can be regarded as scum?" Nathan boldly asked. Reyes was still speechless as he watched the exchange.

In fact, everyone close by were watching with interest.

"Hmmph, Scum like you don't deserve to know the great me. I am just advising you out of the goodness of my heart. You'd best head home else your days in this academy with that big mouth of yours might land you in trouble."

Nathan tightened his fist as he stared intently at his verbal opponent. "I have a reason to be here and until I have fulfilled my mission. I will stay."

"Candidate Nathaniel… Are you sure?" Nathan nodded. "Yes." If anything, his boldness had left an impression on everyone present. It was fun to know if his boldness would help him to climb the ranks or would he regret his decision later on.

The announcer did not hamper on the issue any longer as she continued. "Reyes Goldman… 76% Affinity ratio." Nathan took one look at Reyes, the latter suffusing a bright smile as he heard his result.

"Congrats. You did good." Reyes smiled as he placed his arm over Nathan's shoulder. "I know. You don't have to worry, your big brother will ensure that your time in the academy is smooth and easy."

Nathan chuckled, somewhat relieved. "I guess I'll be counting on you then." Maybe it was luck that he met someone nice and easygoing like Reyes.

He felt at ease knowing that he had unknowingly made a friend on his first day of saving the human race.

As they were talking, the announcements kept rolling in. "Jeremiah Walters… 84% affinity ratio." Nathan turned his head over to find that the arrogant lad from earlier had his chin up in the air as people around heaped praises on him.

A knit formed in his brows. "Don't tell me that's Jeremiah Walters." He wasn't one to be good with faces or names of people he never talked with for that matter.

Just as he was thinking about that, a stunning piece rolled out the speakers. "Elena Blake… 95% affinity ratio." "Ah."

The entire hall was rendered quiet for a moment as everyone paused. Nathan had his eyes wide in shock, Reyes sucked in cold air and Jeremiah could not help but tremble slightly.

"Blake?... Does that mean she is related to one of the top generals amongst the Guardian top echelons, General Blake?"

"95%!!... This is utter madness. No wonder, she was so strong!!" Nathan exclaimed in his heart as his eyes began to search. He wasn't the only one as several others began to scour, on the lookout for Elena Blake.

Just as he was about give up, he saw her. Dressed in a white leader jacket with a black top and leather jeans with a pair of stiletto type heels.

Platinum blonde hair, green eyes, defined cheekbones and a slender and rather tall physique. She stood in a class of her own.

There were very few people around her, few that were able to remain standing before her oppressive aura. She suffused the very air of a warrior.

"She still looks as mean as ever." Nathan could only chuckle as he stared at her. "Damn… is that Elena Blake?" Reyes asked as he looked in her direction, his eyes immediately appreciating her beauty.

"Careful. You might get hurt for staring at her like that." Nathan joked. "Totally worth it bruh." Reyes replied with a grin.

It did not take long for the area around Elena to become crowded as several candidates wanted to befriend this anomaly.

It didn't take long for the announcement to finish after which the announcer added. "You all should move to the next hall to undergo the next test."

"You sure you really want to keep going?" Reyes worriedly asked. Nathan had a smile as he nodded. "Of course. It doesn't matter if my affinity ratio is low, I still have a mission to carry out."