Guardian academy (7) - Red Wing Thunder

Squadron. This was the designated name used to address a group of Guardians placed under a Herald. The typical arrangement consisted of a pair of each Guardian class.

This meant that there would be two Swordsmen, two Spearmen… With all classes covered, totaling twenty Guardians for a Squadron.

Nathan was aware of the basic information which was why he was surprised to realize that the test they had barely passed was done to introduce his squad members to each other.

What's more, the identity of those in the Squadron was bigger than he could have ever imagined. "Being in the same squad as Elena Blake. This has to be a dream or something."

He felt a bit confused as to why he was placed in such a high-profile squad but thinking about wouldn't help much thus he returned to his conversation with Reyes.

"Mn, so I guess we didn't have to tender a letter to ensure we get placed in the same squad," Reyes remarked smilingly. "Hmmph, who would want to be on the same squad with an obnoxious fellow like you."

"Hey, I'm a loveable person." "You talk too much. What about the others?" Reyes prepared a comeback but ultimately let it pass as his shoulders slumped.

"Elena is meeting up with the others. She asked me to watch over you until you wake up. Leah was the one watching over you but she had to leave this morning to meet with her aunt."

"Leah?" Nathan felt a bit surprised. "Yeah. Hehe, you scored yourself big-time while playing hero." Reyes had a mischievous grin as he spoke. Nathan did not bother to entertain his perverted thoughts.

"I need some rest." "Fine, fine. I'll get going now. Elena asked me to inform her once you woke up anyway. Be prepared for whole lotta praise." Reyes remarked after which he stepped out of the room, leaving Nathan to his thoughts.

"Hah, that guy is something else." He chuckled as he sighed with relief. "Now, time to check it out." He blinked once, muttering a single word as a blue screen appeared before him.

[System interface]

[Species: Human ]

[Age: 16 ]

[Sex: Male ]

[ Level – 1 ]

[Strength: 15/100 ]

[Endurance: 30/100 ]

[ Vitality: 40/100 ]

[ Coordination: 70/100 ]

[ Dexterity: 60/100 ]

[Energy level: -95/100… Error, User is on an energy deficit, usage of passive skills will be temporarily stopped until the deficit is removed.]

[Active skills: Eyes of Laplace Lvl.1]

[Passive skills: Leonardo's touch Lvl.1, Unshakable will Lvl.1, Team player Lvl.1, Eyes of Laplace Lvl.1, Troubleshooter Lvl.1 ]

[To acquire Active skills and level up, users must complete missions with a significant completion rate.]

[ Daily Mission – None ]

[Notice: Due to User override of system, System is temporarily on hold to fix the problem to restore it to factory settings]

"…" Nathan stared blankly at the system as he realized he might have done bit much. "Is this what happens if I overuse the system?"

Nathan could tell that he had been using the system wrongly all this while. For some reason, he had first thought that it was meant to be used in battle scenarios but based on the stats and skills, he was starting to have a different opinion.

"This is the Mech System. It would most likely have something to do with fixing or creating tech. Of course, that doesn't mean it can't be applied in certain scenarios. But it would cost a much bigger price."

Nathan was beginning to understand the system a little better. For now, he had to focus on just how bad of an effect his foolhardy action had on the system programming.

"Hah… I hope it's not too big a deal." He would have to spend some time without the system perks. Hopefully, nothing too big happened during this period.

Just as he was pondering on his thoughts, a knock was heard at the door. "Yeah, come in." Nathan sat up and adjusted his clothes just in time as Reyes walked in with Elena behind him.

Nathan sucked in cold air. No matter how many times he looked at her from afar, seeing her up close in such a setting made him speechless. She was indeed a fiery beauty.

"Hey." Reyes stepped aside and Elena walked up to his bed. She had a friendly expression on her face, bordering on a smile. "…Hey." Nathan took some time to recover from his speechlessness.

"…" Elena noticed him staring and felt a bit uncomfortable. Reyes noticed this as he quickly gestured for Nathan to cut it out. "Stop it. You're freaking her out!"

From the corner of his eyes, he caught his gestures causing him to quickly compose himself. "Did we pass?" He attempted to look cool… His attempt was weak.

Elena felt a bit amused by this as she replied. "Yes, we did. It's all thanks to you else we would have lost. So I came to personally thank you for what you did."

"Hehe… It was nothing." Nathan awkwardly chuckled as he placed his right palm at the back of his head. "It is a big deal, though. The others are looking forward to meeting you."

Nathan could not explain it, but he felt good hearing that. "Reyes should have informed you about the point of the test." Nathan nodded. "Mn, something about us being squad members."

Elena took a glance at Reyes behind her before turning back to Nathan. "Exactly. We are part of the Red Wing thunder Squadron. We were meant to have a meeting today to decide on who would helm the Herald position as well as basic introductions.

"Since you are awake now… Would you like to join us?" Elena asked. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for anything." Nathan happily replied.

"That's good. It wouldn't be complete without the one that allowed us to pass the test. The meeting will take place in two hours. Reyes will bring you to our meeting spot."

Elena said after which she left the room to attend to other matters. "She went straight to the point." Nathan sighed. "What were you expecting?... 'Ouu, Nathan, my hero, I'm so glad you are alive and well.'… Something like that?" Reyes teased Nathan hurling a pillow at him.

"Get out!" "You are just too violent. Learn to chill." "Out!!!" He hurled another pillow at him with Reyes ducking low before rushing out of the room.

"If only I could beat him up." Nathan laid back down as he caught some short eye before the meeting time.


Two hours later and Nathan was discharged after a check-up by the medics confirmed that he was fit enough to leave. Of course, that was after they had informed him to be extra careful as his body was still recovering.

Reyes pulled him along as they moved to one of the many open areas littered around the school. It had a few metal benches placed in a circle.

A pedestal in the middle glowed a variety of colors, giving the area an ambient feel. It looked every bit like a hangout area for cadets.

On reaching there, Nathan found the surrounding area to have a few cadets around. Of course, the benches around the pedestal were occupied by familiar faces.

Jeremiah caught sight of him and Reyes approaching. "Well if isn't Nathan the great. I was worried that we would have to postpone our first squad meeting while waiting for you to wake up."

"Nice to see you too, Jerry." "Don't call me that." Jeremiah immediately frowned. "Alright, that's enough, you two." Elena quickly chipped in, breaking up the exchange.

"Great to see that you are awake." The burly one that remained alongside Elena, Jeremiah, Reyes, and The silent guy rose and walked up to Nathan before enveloping him in a bear hug.

"…Thanks…" Nathan felt suffocated as he spoke. The burly guy soon let go as he placed a hand on his shoulder after which he returned to his seat.

The others weren't as forthcoming as the burly one as they merely sent appreciative glances and gestures his way. Nathan found Leah staring at him but once their eyes met, she quickly looked to the ground.

He shook his head at her shy antics as he moved with Reyes to occupy a seat. Once they were settled in, Elena rose to address the group.

"I'm glad we all were able to make it today. I'm sure we all know why we are here today… We are here to discuss the beginning of Red Wing Thunder Squadron."

They all remained silent as they kept their eyes on her. She felt a bit flustered but continued anyway.

"Before we begin though, I believe this is the right time to get familiar with one another so I call for a basic introduction. I'll go first.

"Elena Blake, Nice to meet you all."