Perfect World VR (17) - Command and Conquer

[Intruder alert!!!... Intruder alert!!!... Code Red] Alarms were blaring off within the Crawler. Sirens went off and the entire settlement quickly went on high alert. The cannons placed around the Crawler activated something after which a transparent shield covered the entire perimeter.

[Enemy must be eliminated. Commencing elimination process.] The Crawler's production unit began its work. More energy crystals were mined from the energy node. It was going all out in its response against the invaders.


"Leah, what's the situation like in the enemy camp?" Elena asked. "The area has been obscured by some kind of shield. I can't see past it and my thermal scope isn't picking up anything."

"Hmm, this is somewhat different from the shield used by the Crawler we captured." "They are evolving... And they are doing so in real-time. We have to take them down before they are an even match for us."How he spoke gave away what he was feeling, which was genuine fear.

Nathan had completely forgotten the fact that the Machines were known for one thing and that was evolution. This was due to the work of their leader as she configured them to be capable of learning from previous mistakes.

"I see… Even though the test has been nerfed, the primary ability of the Machines is still put in place. We have to take care of both Crawlers before the system mainframe develops them to a level we cannot overcome."

Elena furrowed her brows as she realized what was going on. "No wonder. The assignment did not apply a time limit to the mission. The time limit is the amount of time it takes for the Machines to evolve to a state stronger than us."

"What do we do now?" Indra asked. "We definitely cannot reveal our trump cards, else, there won't be a way out for us."

"So how do you suggest we take out this Crawler?" "… Nathan." She called out his name without context.

"I'll make a way through. Just prepare to take down the Crawler when the opportunity reveals itself." [Teamplayer activated] [Unshakeable will activated]

Nathan felt his tachyon core gauge draining at a rapid rate. "I have to push through. Leah, help me."

"Got it." There were a total of fifty-six Flying Saucers. They circled the location of the Crawler and doubled back to the Humpbacks position.

"Just hold on, I'm almost… Ah!!" "Leah, what's wrong?"

Leah's scream elicited a reaction from Nathan as he lost focus for a moment. "Yeah, I'm fine… I just felt a sharp pain. I think one of the Flying Saucers was shot down."

"Are you sure?" They were all listening in thus it was understandable that they had all heard Leah's pained shout. "Yeah… I can only control fifty-five now…"

The moment she turned around using the view of the Flying Saucers, her eyes went wide in shock. Over a hundred Drones were headed towards the Saucers.

"Oh my God…" She muttered as her body remained still, her mind lost as fear took hold of her. In the end, Leah was someone that did not work well under pressure.

"Leah!!!... Leah!!!!" Nathan yelled her name but got no response back. "Shit, what's happening." He switched the controls of the Humpback to Auto and moved to where Leah was.

"Leah, come on." He unplugged the cord from her helmet and removed the helmet from her face. Her eyes looked lost and her body showed no reaction to his touch.

"What do I do?" "Nathan, what's going on there?" Elena asked. "It's Leah, she seems to have passed out."

"This… Are you sure?" "I think so." He looked her over to be sure, there was still no response.

"This is completely messed up. You now understand why I was against allowing them to take central charge. Those two are only good for one thing and that is repairing our gear. We are going to fail this assault, all because of them."

Jeremiah said, his words full of spite. He couldn't understand why Elena had agreed to allow Nathan and Leah to lead the charge, while they stay in hiding, waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip into the Crawler perimeter.

They were incompetent weaklings that did not deserve such a position. Now, they were collapsing under the pressure and his feelings about them would stand to be true.

"Okay, that's it. I don't see you making effort right now though. Nathan has been trying his best to contribute his part to the team and all you do is criticize and look down on him. Also, Leah is a sweet girl that tries her best. So I don't want to hear you pick on them unless you are ready for a fight!!"

Reyes had just about had it with Jeremy's actions towards Nathan. He abandoned their crouched posture and rose to his feet, his hands already trained on his gun.

"You want to have a go with me, Goldilocks??" Jeremy pulled out his spear and abandoned the crouched position as well. Both men were just about ready to release their frustrations on one another.

"Okay, that is enough from you two!!" Elena said in a booming voice as she released her aura to suppress both of them. Their breaths seized as they were brought to their knees.

Her calm and collected expression was all but gone and replacing it, was a rather stern expression that caused both Reyes and Jeremy to gulp down spittle almost simultaneously.

She turned her attention to Jeremiah. "Another word from you, Jeremy and I will be forced to sanction you. And you…" She glanced over at Reyes.

"It's nice to stand up for your friend but disregarding our plan and giving away our position will not be accepted."

She released her aura and turned her back to them, both men finally able to breathe once again. "Another thing, I will not tolerate infighting in my Squadron. We are family and we will treat each other like that. Anyone that goes ahead to break that rule of mine…"


The ground beneath her feet shattered and the air around them grew heavy as she released the full might of her aura in all its glory.

Everyone's body instantly became heavier. Even Indra had to frown as he felt it. "Just how much stronger is she compared to me?"

She was just about to say more when she suddenly whipped her head up. "Shit." She drew her blade and swung it up. Just then, a red beam flew from the air and collided with her sword.

Almost everyone was stunned as they looked up. "Nathan was right… These guys are evolving and it is not looking good for us at all." She said in a heavy tone as she retracted her aura.

Just as she had finished speaking, the area above them a few meters away suddenly darkened after which the formation of over a hundred Drones came into view.

"This… is this not a bit much?" Sandra remarked as she felt her arms become weak. "This is a bit much, right?"

"What do we do?... Our position has been discovered." Indra directed his question at Elena. She remained silent for only a moment before she sighed heavily. "What else can we do?... We can only fight our way to the Crawler."

Even though that was the only way to escape getting brutally disintegrated, very few dared to move when faced with such an overwhelming force.

"I know I shouldn't be the one to talk at a time like this…" A familiar voice was heard from the intercoms. It was Nathan speaking.

"But right now, I believe that we cannot give up. If there is anything that I have learned in my life… it is to keep moving forward. I know there are some of you itching to prove that they are better than weaklings like me, after all. So standing still in such a scenario… How are you any different from me?"

Jeremiah bit down on his lower lip. "Fuck this shit!!!.... Lightning spear: Thor's might!!!" He charged his spear to the max, using up almost fifty percent of his tachyon core gauge.

Elena glanced back to find blue electricity sparks emanating from his body. All those around him quickly moved away to avoid getting hurt in the process.

"You were able to inspire your greatest hater to fight… You are something else, Nathan." Elena sighed inwardly.

At the same time, up above, the Drones noticed Jeremiah's action and quickly charged up to attack him. "Shit." Gary rushed from his position and activated [Heavenly tower].

The others quickly gave some distance, just in time.


Their beams slammed into the blue room and a dust cloud rose high. They immediately used their scanners to confirm if the threat was terminated.

Just then, a blue glow spread out from within the dust cloud. "Thrust!!!" A loud voice was heard after which there was an explosion of the wind.


It was as though the sound barrier had been breached and the air had fractured as a result.