Perfect World VR (39) - Escort

"What the fuck am I doing?... This is crazy… There are so many of them… Am I going to die?" Several thoughts bombarded Jeremy as he charged toward the Screechers.

There were four nests in total, one in the Northwest, another in the Northeast, yet another over in the Southwest, and the last in the southeast.

If one looked from above, they formed an X with the Mammoth at the center. It was rather convenient that they would find themselves in the middle and what's more, they had no choice but to fight back.

Retreat at this point was nigh impossible. Magnum's actions ensured that was the case. They would either fight their way through or die trying. At this point, their chances seemed to be leaning on the latter.

Jeremy felt afraid as he rushed at the horde rushing in from the northwest. The only reason he had acted so brashly was… He couldn't understand it. But it had something to do with Elena. He couldn't be sure at this point.