Perfect World VR (41) - Escort

They held their breath as they waited for Nathan to explain himself, their eyes peeled on the Screechers surrounding them. Some were forced to act as a few Screechers swooped down to attack.

For now, they could hold on, but once the other Screechers regained themselves, they could kiss their chances of survival goodbye. No matter the plan now was the best time to execute it.

"What are you planning, Nate?" Elena asked, drawing their attention. It was surprising to find Elena responsive when Nathan spoke. She didn't bother to respond when they spoke, a good reason to be offended.

"The sound wave that was released caused the Screechers to be the way they are now. I have a plan to get them away from us long enough to escape but…" He trailed off. Elena caught a bit of hesitation in his voice.