Perfect World VR (50) - Daily mission resumption

He could still hear their screams. The smell of burnt flesh assailed his nostrils. For a brief moment, Nathan found himself back on the battlefield. 

The battlefield that decided humanity's fate. His mind was blank as he watched them die. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and he struggled to breathe.

Returning to that moment was hard for him, his heart couldn't take it. As he struggled to overcome the emotions that came along with the memories, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by the calling of his name.

It was faint at first but it gradually became louder until… "Nathan!!" He jerked awake while drawing a deep breath. He stood unfocused for a moment as everything before him was a blur.

The image before him began to clear out until he saw a familiar face. "Instructor, what happened?" "I should be asking you that… What the hell just happened ?"