Perfect World VR (54) - Clashing with authority

"Where is Elena off to?" Reyes asked as he approached Nathan. "No idea. She zoomed off before I could ask."

"I see. In any case, you are my friend… I have to commend you. Not many would have the audacity to speak unruly in front of the captain."

"It just happened at the spur of the moment. I have no idea why I did that." He placed his palm on the back of his head feeling a bit awkward. "Kinda strange though. I don't know why but I feel Captain Rodgers is hard on us, more so than other Squadrons."

"I feel the same way." Indra was the one to chip in as their squad members gathered. When did I become a gathering point for you all!!... Nathan lampooned in his head as he remained quiet.

"I also feel the same." "Maybe that's why Elena left?... To confront him?"

"I hope not." "Why?"

"Because confrontation with a higher-ranked officer is not a smart move. She could get sanctioned."