Perfect World VR (56) - Survival City

[Members of Red Wing Thunder are asked to head to the Game room for the commencement of the Third trial. Lateness will not be tolerated.]

It was the moment of truth. Almost two hours had gone by and the announcement finally came, it was nerve-wracking, waiting for so long.

Nathan deeply sighed as he rose from his seat, the others similarly got up as well. He chose to remain optimistic. "I'm sure nothing bad happened."

In walked two guards.

They addressed them briefly after which they were led to the Game room, the same one used for the previous trials. "Elena is not back yet. What's going on?" Leah voiced her worries to Nathan. The latter merely smiled as he placed his arm on her shoulder.

"Everything will be alright." He convinced himself as well.

Finally, at the entrance to the Game room, they walked into the familiar scenery. At that moment, a figure came into view causing to express relief in different forms.