Perfect World VR (61) - Survival City

"Thunder, could you give us some light." [Activating Exo Suit Light function.] Their vision brightened up a little, just enough for them to navigate their way through the submerged basement.

Most of what used to be here seemed to be underwater with few of them peaking out of the water. The water volume was close to chest level, causing Elena to be cautious as swinging a sword in water required more effort.

"Stay alert," Elena muttered with Nathan nodding as they moved forward. The basement was rather large, Nathan estimated that it would be able to fit over two hundred people.

"What are we looking for exactly?" "Power outlet." Nathan aptly replied. "And you are sure it is here?" "Mn, it was easy to deduce after studying the building structure."

Apart from the noise made by their movement through the water, everything else remained silent. After almost five minutes of searching, they found it.