Perfect World VR (68) - Survival City

"Yes!!!... I did it. It freaking worked!" Nathan exclaimed in joy. He had a bright smile on his face. His plan turned out successful. He had managed to save the strongest genius of mankind with nothing but his wit and technical knowledge.

This would mark his first step toward gaining the skills required to help humanity escape the extinction they would face a few years later. He clenched his fist and punched the air.

Unfortunately, his celebration was cut short by tremors that occurred at that moment. This time around it was stronger and caused him to shake a little. Whatever the creature that was producing the tremor was… it was close.

"Thunder, how close is it?" [The creature will reach its destination in approximately… Thirty seconds.] Nathan's smile went away, replaced by a grim look. He would have to postpone the celebration for a later time, right now, they had to get away.