Perfect World VR (71) - Survival City

As they struggled to get to the top of the watchtower, the situation below was getting worse. The only reason they hadn't been swarmed just yet was that the Man-eaters were struggling amongst themselves to be the first to go up.

Soon enough, they had gotten to the top. It was a watchtower that overlooked most of the city. It was a small part of the city's power grid.

The area they had to themselves at the top of the watchtower was quite small, only big enough to fit five people at most.

Once Leah reached, she stumbled to the metal railings and struggled to maintain a stable breath, at this point, she was hyperventilating.

Jeremy did not bother with her as he looked down to find that quite a few Man-eaters had broken out of the struggle and were making their way up.

He prepared to receive them. As he held his spear tightly, the sound of Leah struggling to catch her breath broke his concentration.