Perfect World VR (74) - Survival City

Elena felt a bit nervous as she hid away. She was about to do something so crazy, that the chances of getting eliminated were extremely high. She couldn't afford to make any mistakes with this.

Taking a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and moved out. Gripping her sword hilt tightly, she made a beeline for the Western side of the grid.

Elena ensured she was eye-catching enough. There was no way the Man-eaters would not see her coming. Sure enough, she hadn't even gotten close enough and a few had already spotted her.

Without provocation, they stared at her for a few seconds before making their decision… They directly attacked.

Elena was slightly surprised by this, but it was within expectations. A single Man-eater or even a few more added wouldn't be much of a threat to her, it just meant a few more heads to decapitate.