Perfect World VR (87) - Special scenario : Tower Defense

Let's rewind time a bit…

On the tower roof, Sera and Reyes had their eyes on the Skull crusher as it slowly made its way through the sea of Man-eaters toward them.

With each step it took, a part of them would tremble along with the earth. It took all their willpower to not retreat at that moment.

Suddenly, the Dominator stopped. It was currently standing amid the Man-eaters, its head faced down.

"Report this," Sera remarked. Reyes nodded as he put up his arm and contacted Nathan. "Uhmm, Nate, it stopped moving…"

Just then, Sera muttered. "What is that…" Reyes turned back and looked through his scope to find that the Skull crusher was pointing at their location with a comically large hammer.

"Wait, it's pointing at us…" He trailed off as it pulled its arm back and without warning, threw its hammer at them.

"Oh, shit…" Before they had a chance to react, the hammer had already crossed the distance and slammed into the roof.