Perfect World VR (95) - Special scenario : Tower Defense

Nathan struggled to keep himself conscious. His body trembled from the amount of pain he felt. He could not help but wonder why the devs would ensure the sensitivity aspect of Perfect World was kept at close to a hundred.

This meant that every injury, broken bone, or even a pin pricking the skin would be felt. Taking his situation into account, Nathan could only grit his teeth.

Turning to take a look, he watched the Sea King take slow steps toward him, almost as though it were taunting him, asking him to run again.

Running was pointless. Nathan could tell that the next time he dared to run, he would surely get ripped to shreds without a doubt. It was clear…

This monster before him was a sadistic creature. He had almost no way to fight against it.

Which was why… as he watched the Sea King take deliberate steps toward him, he already felt despair. Helpless in his powerless state.