Perfect World VR (122) : Capture the Flag

"Do you think I would tell you something so significant to our plans?" Tiana asked with a raised brow.

Victor sighed. "If you had done so, it would give us a reason to spare you, your stubbornness would only make things worse for you."

"Hahaha." Tiana laughed aloud, grabbing her stomach as she did so. "Bold of you to assume that I'd just wait to let you do what you want."

Tanya tapped Victor on his shoulder as she stepped forward. "Enough talk, let's just take care of them before she does something detrimental to us."

Tiana smirked. "Heh, too late."

Pushing a button on the tachyon bomb in her palm, she infused tachyon energy into it before proceeding to toss it at Victor and Tanya.

"Shit." Tanya cursed inwardly as she quickly moved to grab the bomb.

"Tanya no," Victor called out but it was too late as she was already reaching out for it.

Inwardly, Tiana could not help but snicker as things were proceeding just as she had hoped.