Perfect World VR (144) : Capture the Flag

"Who are you?" Reuben asked. He was the leader of the alliance force on the left side of the tunnel that led to the Red Wing Thunder encampment.

They had just suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Sera and the others, making use of explosions and long-range attacks to compromise their defenses while also making use of dust created to engage with the enemy in close quarters and deal even more damage.

Without the help of a Defender Class, they were able to take down almost half of his force with minimal damage done to their side.

Once this was confirmed by Nathan, he ordered them to return due to the fact that were quite drained from the uphill battle.

Even if they were stronger, it was still draining to face off against a force that greatly outnumbered them, and what's more, their energy was finishing at a rapid rate.