Perfect World VR (147) : Capture the Flag

"You are right, no class has the ability to create such a thing." Nathan started but was quickly interrupted by Reuben.

"I said that just now so how the hell did you create that if not by hacking the game?"

Nathan felt the urge to blast Reuben to oblivion for his over the top antics but reigned in his violent thoughts. He wasn't too keen on using the [Garrison] strength at full power to fight as it would end up making him weak and that would require him to take some time out to recover.

He couldn't risk being weak when the rest of the squad was also suffering from fatigue at the moment due to having to face off against the combined forces of Reuben and Jacob.

He couldn't even begin to imagine how fatigued Indra would be once he got back to the camp.

In such a situation, they would be helpless if another camp was to take advantage of their greatly weakened state to attack them, leading to an untimely defeat.