Perfect World VR (149) : Capture the Flag

"I give you my word. Red Wing Thunder will not harm your Squadron any longer as long as you show no signs of aggression. I am also willing to share our spoils with you so you'd be able to clear the trial." Nathan said as his aura radiated righteousness.

Reuben pondered on his words for a moment before nodding in agreement. He had some problems with Nathan's promise, especially the part of there not being any signs of aggression from his side before his squad can be left alone by Red Wing Thunder.

He was well aware of some people that would be petty enough to cause problems just to oppress them so they would end up retaliating and then they would use that as an excuse to wipe them out.

Just thinking of such a scenario was enough for Reuben to double-think Nathan's proposal as such a possibility of such a scenario happening existed.

Faced with no other option, he was about to speak up when Nathan spoke up.