Perfect World VR (154) : Capture the Flag

A young boy that was born weak with no hope of ever becoming strong. From a young age, he hated himself for being weak, at least that was until he realized that there was more to life than physical strength.

Hearing the story of the noncombatant, Ian Holt that managed to change the state of humanity, not with his incredible strength or awesome fighting capabilities.

No, he managed to affect a huge change in the Human Confederation and humankind as a whole by using his intellect to do what others could not and creating a whole new world for humanity to explore.

This was not with strength, but intelligence!

He gave humans the equipment needed to fight back against the apocalypse. A powerful man, not because of his physical capabilities, but because of the knowledge, he held.

And that was all the drive Michel needed to strive to reach that position. He developed his mind and desired to reach new heights, even greater heights than Ian Holt.