Perfect World VR (159) : Capture the Flag

"Michel failed to do what we asked of him. Red Wing Thunder is still in the game and what's worse, they haven't suffered any casualties even with the overwhelming force that he used to assault them." Steven reported with a disappointed and slightly annoyed look on his face.

It was clear he had hoped for more but Michel just had to be completely useless and flopped the directive they had given him.

Richard didn't seem as affected as Steven by the news nor was he that surprised by it. He kept calm as he appraised Steven's expression.

"So Elena and her subordinates are still around?... Of course, I had already guessed that since no news reporting their demise had been announced thus far, but the fact that they haven't suffered even a single loss?... That is indeed quite surprising and also an eye opener." Richard remarked calmly, analyzing the situation casually.