Perfect World VR (162) : Capture the Flag

"Sometimes, you should learn to take a step back, Steven. You shouldn't judge everyone with their power levels. In any case, Nathaniel Holt is not as useless as you make him out to be. He would be a great addition to our force, if only Elena had not already roped him in.

"He is the reason why Red Wing Thunder can remain strong even as Elena left their camp in search of flags. She was confident he would be able to handle any issues that sprung up and true to her hopes, he did just that. Nathan is a nobody, Steven.

"A nobody would be able to do the things he has done," Richard explained with a serious look in his eyes. Steven noted this but still found it a bitter pill to swallow.

He found it hard to believe and due to upbringing that was hammered into his being from a young age, he resisted Richard's ideas about Nathan with his original ideology remaining.