Perfect World VR (168) : Capture the Flag

"Damn it, protect yourself!" The leaders of the three groups that came for Elena, Jeremy, and Gary yelled out in quick succession as they could do nothing to stop their current predicament.

With the area they stood on crumbling rapidly, they quickly lost their footing and were plunged along with the debris.

Some were quick enough to activate [Lifeline] but others turned blank at the sudden turn of events and unfortunately were not so lucky.


A mixture of dust and smoke erupted as an explosion occurred as the debris slammed into one another. Mixed in with the explosion was a plethora of screams as the unlucky ones were buried underneath the rubble, crushed by the rocks that showed no mercy.

A few seconds later and the collapse died down.

Elena heaved a sigh of relief seeing that her plan had worked. "That was close."