Perfect World VR (174) : Capture the Flag

Just how much fame would they get to be the one to take down the strongest cadet with the greatest potential. It was enough to drive them forward.

Of course, Elena knew this, and even as the attacks approached her slowly and her life flashed before her eyes, she had already resolved to take down the two idiots.

There was no way in hell she would allow herself to become trophies for these bastards to flaunt. Ain't no way she would stoop so low, thus she prepared to strike in their direction.

Of course, the two Artillerist class cadets felt her killing intent slam into them like a wave, causing their skin to turn cold and blood to slow down.

Their hairs tingled and goose bumps broke out on their skin. For a brief moment, they seemed to recall that despite the position she was in Elena remained the strongest cadet with the greatest potential.