Perfect World VR (177) : Capture the Flag

As Jeremy waited patiently for the three cadets circling him and Gary with murderous intent within their aura, He was also quite worried by Gary that had just collapsed behind him.

"Oi, Answer me and don't stay silent, didn't you hear me?... How are you feeling." Jeremy worriedly asked while using his aura to probe Gary's current state.

Gary snorted as he responded in a tired voice. "You should already be able to tell what state I'm in with the way you keep on probing me with your aura so stop bothering me so much. I'm like really tired right now to the point where even talking is a chore so I'd rather not keep talking at this point to conserve what little energy I have.

"I want to rest so could you be a darling and get those guys off my back while I get some short eye? I feel a nap at this point would be helpful."