Perfect World VR (182) : Capture the Flag

Jeremy chuckled. "Oh come on, how can you say your comrade is not in pain after suffering so much?... Are you just being insensitive?... Can't you hear his screams?"

The hammer-wielding cadet frowned and the ace-wielding cadet furrowed his brows.

The hammer-wielding cadet suddenly asked. "What screams?... I don't hear anything." He said with a confused expression.

Jeremy grinned evilly. "These screams." Without warning, he plunged the pointed end of his spear into The ax-wielding cadet's body, piercing his core with a casual thrust.

"Eaaahhh!!!" a painful scream rang out across the battlefield. It was clear to anyone that heard the screams just how much pain the owner of the voice had felt as he let out such a scream.

It was enough to be blood-curdling, sending chills down the spines of a select few that heard it.