Perfect World VR (188) : Capture the Flag

Gary struggled to stifle his laugh that welled up inside him as he coughed awkwardly twice while scratching his chin as though in deep thought. "No need to be so petty about things, you know, it's not good for you in the long run.

"Ahem, in any case, I wasn't sleeping. I was merely meditating in a bid to regain some of my lost strength before getting back into the action.

"If I didn't do that I would have fainted from over exertion and such a thing would be worse than actually sleeping since I would definitely be in real danger of dying without knowing it, a peaceful way to go but not what I had in mind for how I would be eliminated, so I decided to go ahead with the former."

Jeremy sized him up substantially before speaking. "But I heard you snoring rather soundly and your aura was quite relaxed, a clear sign that you were in deep sleep, I actually thought you were sleeping if I'm being honest."