Perfect World VR (194) : Capture the Flag

Elena's identity as the strongest cadet with the greatest potential, a title that was lauded by everyone, coined not by Elena herself but by the instructors and academy heads who were more than impressed by her capabilities.

Such prestige was just that powerful enough in the academy to hold that much sway in the life of not only all of the cadets in the academy, but also the instructors and academy heads as well as they practically bent over backward to ensure that her talent is realized to its full potential no matter what they had to do to get such a result.

The pressure and abuse the cadets had to endure from her title and prestige was the greatest among every single genius acknowledged by the academy heads and instructors, it was just too much to ignore, who would be able to ignore such a thing in the first place if they were placed in the same situation?

Absolutely no one, none at all.