Perfect World VR (196) : Capture the Flag

"No matter what I have to do to get to you, no matter what happens here on this battlefield and our clash today, no matter what I have to sacrifice or give up or get rid of to take you down and remove you from this trial, no matter how low I have to stoop to get my way in our clash today, I don't care at all, I don't mind one bit and it would be for a good cause.

"So here and now, with my conscience as my witness and sworn on my blood and my name as a cadet of the student body population of Guardian Academy.

" I stand here and now to promise you this from the depths of my heart, Elena Blake, the strongest cadet with the greatest potential, the leader of Red Wing Thunder Squadron, the squad of geniuses, I swear on my life and pitiful existence as an average cadet of the student body population of Guardian Academy, I will end you here, Elena Blake!...