Perfect World VR (204) : Capture the Flag

Elena smirked causing her innate beauty which shone like the stars in the sky to take on a mischievous tone that would cause one to feel wary immediately, as she not only felt weirded out by the first swordsman class cadet as well by the second swordsman class cadet exchange of stares which seemed pretty peculiar, she was also feeling slightly amused by the first swordsman class cadet words which seemed quite self-righteous.

"Fine then, we have stood in this position for long enough. For god's sake, the author stops fucking pandering and gets to the fight, my arms are getting sore from all your time wasting."

Silence without fail all around the battlefield immediately descended like a wave at a beach that would blanket everything in its path without leaving a single thing alone on the battlefield without fail due to Elena's strange words that seemed a lot like the ravings of a crazy lady that had just suddenly snapped due to intense pressure placed on her.